




softwoods for woodworking

several softwoods excel in strength and durability

While hardwoods usually offer greater strength and stability, woodworking with softwood lumber can be a fine choice when building utilitarian projects (cabinets for the woodshop, painted projects, dog houses, etc.).


There are softwoods that excel in strength and durability such as yellow pine, redwood, cypress and cedar, all good candidates for outdoor projects like decking, gazebos, and patio or lawn furniture.


NORTHERN WHITE PINE BF:  1+ 100+ 500+ 1000+
CSel & Dsel  rough        
1" C Select 7.50 5.76 5.30 4.89
1" D Sel&Btr 6.54 5.02


1-1/4" D Sel&Btr 6.77 5.20 4.79 4.41
1-1/2" D Sel&Btr 7.10 5.45 5.02 4.62
2" D Sel&Btr 7.85 6.02 5.55 5.11
Furniture Grade rough        
1" FG 13"&W 3.87 2.97 2.74 2.52
1" FG 3.20 2.46 2.26 2.09
1-1/4" FG 3.53 2.71 2.49 2.30
1-1/2" FG 3.59 2.76 2.54 2.34
2" FG 3.70 2.84 2.61 2.41
2-1/2" FG 3.98 3.05 2.81 2.59
3" x 12” FG 5.81 4.46 4.10 3.78
4"x4" FG 6'-16' 4.52 3.47 3.19 2.94
  Best for early American style cabinets and furniture.
Furniture Grade (standard width)  rough    
1"x6" FG 3.42 2.62 2.42 2.23
1"x8" FG 3.42 2.62 2.42 2.23
1"x10" FG 3.42 2.62 2.42 2.23
1"x12" FG 3.55 2.72 2.51 2.31
Premium Grade  S4S 3/4"  Knotty grade.    
1x6 (x5-1/2")T&G 4.11 3.15 2.90 2.67
1x6 (x5-1/2") 4.15 3.18 2.93 2.70
1x8 (x7-1/4") 4.15 3.18 2.93 2.70
1x10 (x9-1/4") 3.63 2.79 2.57 2.37
1x12 (x11-1/4") 3.76 2.89 2.66 2.45
  Very similar to #2 Ponderosa Pine.    
Standard Grade - S4S 3/4" - General utility grade.  
1x4 (x3-1/2) 3.23 2.48 2.28 2.10
1x6 (x5-1/2") 3.05 2.34 2.16 1.99
1x6 (x5-1/2") T&G 3.12 2.39 2.20 2.03
1x8 (x7-1/4") 3.55 2.72 2.51 2.31
1x10 (x9-1/4") 3.33 2.56 2.36 2.17
1x12 (x11-1/4") 3.33 2.56 2.36 2.17
  Used where a coarser decorative appearance is desired.
1"x 4" CSel 3.81 2.92 2.69 2.48
1"x 6" CSel 4.90 3.76 3.47 3.19
1"x 6" #2 2.67 2.05 1.88 1.74
1"x 8" CSel 4.73 3.63 3.34 3.08
1"x10" CSel 4.58 3.51 3.24 2.98
1"x12" CSel 5.38 4.13 3.80 3.50
1-1/4"x12" CSel 5.38 4.13 3.80 3.50
1-3/4"x12" CSel 5.46 4.19 3.86 3.56
5/4"x6" CSel 3.87 2.97 2.74 2.52
5/4"x8" CSel 3.91 3.00 2.77 2.55
CEDAR   BF:  1+ 100+ 500+ 1000+
Alaskan Yellow        
1x6 C&Btr  MG 15.05 13.20 12.16 11.80
1x8 C&Btr  MG 15.70 12.05 11.10 10.22
1x10 C&Btr  MG 16.34 12.54 11.55 10.64
2x6 C&Btr  MG 15.05 11.55 10.64 9.80
2x8 C&Btr  MG 15.27 11.72 10.79 9.94
Aromatic Red - rough        
1" Prem Gr 5.27 4.04 3.72 3.43
1" No. 1 & Btr 5.05 3.88 3.57 3.57
2" No.1&Btr 5.85 4.49 4.13 3.81
  This cedar averages 5"-6" in width and 6'-8' in length.
Northern White - rough        
1x4"-6" FG 4.11 3.15 2.90 2.67
5/4x4"-6" FG 4.13 3.17 2.92 2.69
2x6" FG 4.15 3.18 2.93 2.70
1x8" FG 4.82 3.70 3.40 3.14
2x8" FG 4.86 3.73 3.44 3.16
Our Michigan cedar runs heavy to 8' in length, is rough sawn.  
Western Red - S4S        
Canoe builder's favorite!        
1x6 S4S Clear A        
1x6 S4S Clear A  16'+  
Please call for current
5/4x6 S4S Clear A  16'+  
price and availability
2x6 S4S Clear A        
2x6 S4S Clear A  16'+        
2x6 Clear Rough        
Western Red - rough        
Great for outdoor applications.        
1x6 S1S KD Inland        
5/4x6 S4S GRN Decking   Please call for current    
2x4 S4S GRN STKnot   price and availability    
2x6 S4S GRN STKnot        
4x4 S4S GRN  Appear. Grd      
CYPRESS BF:  1+ 100+ 500+ 1000+
A good choice for outdoor furniture.  Rough sawn.    
1x4" Sel&Btr 4.28 3.28 3.02 2.79
1x6" Sel&Btr 8.34 6.40 5.90 5.43
1x8" Sel&Btr 8.34 6.40 5.90 5.43
1x10" Sel&Btr 8.11 6.22 5.73 5.28
1x12" Sel&Btr 8.43 6.47 5.96 5.49
1" Pecky 10.32 7.92 7.30 6.72
5/4 x 6 Sel&Btr 8.43 6.47 5.96 5.49
5/4 x 8 Sel&Btr 8.54 6.55 6.03 5.56
5/4 x 12 Sel&Btr 9.14 7.01 6.46 5.95
2x6" Sel&Btr 9.29 7.13 6.57 6.05
2x8" Sel&Btr 9.40 7.21 6.64 6.12
2X10 Sel&Btr 9.50 7.29 6.72 6.19
2x12" Sel&Btr 9.80 7.52 6.93 6.38
DOUGLAS FIR BF:  1+ 100+ 500+ 1000+
Harder than most softwoods.  Finishes well.    
1x6 C&Btr  Rough VG 14.00 10.74 9.90 9.91
1x6 C&Btr  S4S MG 8.43 6.47 5.96 5.49
1x8 C&Btr  S4S MG 9.46 7.26 6.69 6.16
1x12 C&Btr  Rough VG 16.13 12.38 11.40 10.50
1x12 C&Btr  S4S MG 9.25 7.10 6.54 6.02
2x6 C&Btr  Rough VG 13.07 10.03 9.24 8.51
REDWOOD BF:  1+ 100+ 500+ 1000+
1x6 Clear Flat Grain        
1x8 Clear Flat Grain   Please call for current    
2x4 Clear Flat Grain   price and availability    
2x6 Clear Flat Grain        
SITKA SPRUCE BF:  1+ 100+ 500+ 1000+
Favorite of boat builders. Vertical grain. 12'-20' lengths.  
A nearly clear grade, allowing minor defects.  Rough sawn.  
1" C&Btr RGH 19.07 14.64 13.48 12.42
2" C&Btr RGH 19.78 15.18 13.98 13.88


"Our order arrived yesterday afternoon. It looks fantastic! I can't thank you enough for all your help and for looking out for us. We are tickled to death with the lumber! ...It has been a pure pleasure doing business with you and your company!" -- A.W. MORE CUSTOMER REVIEWS...



Prices listed are for rough lumber, sold random width, and random length. The lumber is manufactured to produce the best possible appearance while conserving the maximum usable product of the log. For orders requiring specific widths, lengths, and color, please contact us for a FREE estimate.



The footage of different species on the same order may be accumulated to determine price level. Ask us about special pricing on bunk (1000+ BF) quantities of any one specie. Prices and availability subject to change without notice.



Printed lumber prices are for random width and random length lumber unless stated otherwise. We are happy to supply special widths and/or lengths for an additional nominal fee. Please contact us for availability and prices on special sizes.



Your lumber purchases are fully guaranteed to be properly graded, measured and machined. LLJ does not guarantee products against loss or damage in transit due to circumstances beyond our control. To receive full credit for a returned package, the package must be in the same condition in which it was received.





All L.L. Johnson Lumber prices are subject to change without notice.
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